This command will list all available commands on Linux.
To list all the commands
manivel ~ # compgen -c
If you want to count the total available commands on linux, type below command
manivel ~ # compgen -c | wc -l
To list all the bash aliases
manivel ~ # compgen -a
To list all the bash built-ins
manivel ~ # compgen -b
To list all the keywords
manivel ~ # compgen -k
To list all the bash functions
manivel ~ # compgen -A function
To list all the commands
manivel ~ # compgen -c
If you want to count the total available commands on linux, type below command
To list all the bash aliases
manivel ~ # compgen -a
To list all the bash built-ins
manivel ~ # compgen -b
To list all the keywords
manivel ~ # compgen -k
To list all the bash functions
manivel ~ # compgen -A function