RStudio Server
RStudio is a free and open source integrated development environment (IDE) for R. You can run it on your desktop or even over the web using RStudio Server.If you want to more details click this link.Here i am going to show you how to install RStudio Server on Centos.Requirement :
1.Centos 6.3 x86_64
2. Install EPEL Repository
3. Install R
4. RStudio rpm package.
RStudio Server Installation
First you need to install EPEL Repository click this link and install EPEL.
Now you can install "R" package via yum command
[root@mani-testing ~]# yum install R
You want to download the RStudio Server package.You can use following command.
[root@mani-testing ~]# wget
Install the RStudio server rpm package
[root@mani-testing ~]# yum install --nogpgcheck rstudio-server-0.97.551-x86_64.rpm
RStudio Server Configuration
You need to create two conf file rserver.conf and
following path
[root@mani-testing ~]# touch /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf
[root@mani-testing ~]# touch /etc/rstudio/rsession.conf
The above both files will help to change default port and session timeout.After editing configuration files you should perform a check to ensure that the entries you specified are valid. This can be accomplished by executing the following command
[root@mani-testing ~]# rstudio-server test-config
RStudio Testing
By default RStudio Server runs on port 8787 and accepts connections from all remote clients.
You can able to access RStudio server via web browser .
Go to web browser and type your server ip address. My case server ip
Regarding user authentication:
RStudio Server will not permit logins by system users (those with user ids lower than 100).
User credentials are encrypted using RSA as they travel over the network.
You can manage users with standard Linux user administration tools like useradd,userdel, etc.
Each user needs to be created with a home directory.
Now you can able to access the RStudio Server from anywhere via your server ip address....